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Why is Self-Love important?

During a ‘Sharing Circle’ Simon invited a spontaneous question; “Why is Self Love so important today?”. He was profoundly moved by the answers of those in the circle, so much so that over time that movement continued to birth an idea of a book of diversely selected co-creators expressing their individual answers to the same broad and important universal question.

"If not now when?"

“Self Love Now” is a book based on the principles of the ‘Gift culture’ which thrives on the idea of circulating resources.

We cannot put a fixed price tag on love. Any amount would be too small. With this in mind; where possible we offer this book in the spirit of the ‘Gift’. Which means we are not the ones to determine its value. Rather, you the reader will decide for yourself what amount feels right, clear, and fair, reflecting your financial condition as well as your feeling of value and gratitude. This opens the space for more creative ways to ‘love forward’ and serves those not able to give anything at this time but just by receiving this ‘Unconditional Gift’ is exactly what they need to remember how abundant they already are. We are LOVE

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There is no doubt these expressions of love will reach and nurture the souls who would benefit from a gentle loving reminder to let down their armour of fear and soften into the warm embrace of this all encompassing life force energy.

Featured Co-Creators

The heARTist

Luraya is – apart from being part of our soul family and tribe, the wonderful Heartist behind the playful, childlike creations that accompany this book – making the experience much more than “just a read”. Her colourful contributions weave innocence and wisdom into the pages and seduce the reader into a dream world beyond the analytical mind. She is reminding us that play is the way on the journey to loving ourselves more deeply and how better to do it than on a rainbow of magical colours.
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